Star Trek: The Next Generation

Title Card – The Next Generation

A new generation of Enterprise crewmembers seek out new life and civilizations.


  • Episode

    1-01/02: Encounter at Farpoint (Parts 1 & 2)

    On its maiden voyage to explore a new trade station, the crew of the Enterprise-D are delayed by an omnipotent being who views humans as inferior and non-worthy of space exploration.
  • Episode

    1-03: The Naked Now

    In investigating the communications loss of the SS Tsiolkovsky, the Enterprise crew contracts an illness that leads to bizarre behavior.
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    1-04: Code of Honor

    An alien leader choose Yar as his wife.
  • Episode

    1-05: The Last Outpost

    During pursuit of a Ferengi ship, both ships are rendered powerless by an unknown force.
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    1-06: Where No One Has Gone Before

    When engine tests fling the Enterprise to the far reaches of the universe, the crew must rely on a mystifying alien to return them home.
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    3-06: Booby Trap

    Upon encountering an ancient Promellian battle cruiser, the Enterprise becomes entangled in the same booby trap that disabled the Promellians.
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    3-15: Yesterday’s Enterprise

    The timeline is dramatically altered when the Enterprise’s predecessor, NCC-1701-C, crosses a temporal rift to escape a Romulan attack.
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    3-17: Sins of the Father

    When Worf’s father is accused of collaborating with Romulans, Worf works to restore his family’s honor.
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    3-20: Tin Man

    The Enterprise rushes to locate a space-bearing life-form before the Romulans.
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    3-24: Ménage à Trois

    While visiting the Enterprise, Lwaxana Troi is abducted with Riker and Deanna by a Ferengi ship.
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    3-26: The Best of Both Worlds, Part I

    The Borg invade Federation space, abducting Captain Picard.
  • Episode

    4-01: The Best of Both Worlds, Part II

    The Enterprise launches a rescue mission of Captain Picard while working to stop the Borg invasion.
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    4-05: Remember Me

    The Enterprise crew mysteriously vanish from existence, leaving behind only Beverly Crusher as the universe collapses in.
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    4-07: Reunion

    Ambassador K'Ehleyr, Worf’s former lover, comes aboard Enterprise with a stunning revelation while endangering her life by investigating deeply into the Khitomer massacre.
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    4-09: Final Mission

    On the eve of departing for Starfleet Academy, Wesley and Picard crash land with an alien pilot on a hot desert with limited resources.
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    4-10: The Loss

    Troi loses her telepathic abilities.
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    4-11: Data’s Day

    While penning a letter to Commander Bruce Maddox, Data examines a day of life that includes the wedding of Chief O'Brien and Keiko.
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    4-12: The Wounded

    A new peace treaty with the Cardassians is jeopardized when one of Starfleet’s finest captains takes aggressive action.
  • Episode

    4-20: QPid

    Playing matchmaker between Picard and Vosh, Q traps members of the crew in a Robin Hood-themed land.
  • Episode

    5-07: Unification, Part I

    Investigating reported sightings of Spock on Romulus, the Enterprise discovers a secret faction of Romulans who desire reunification with their Vulcan ancestors.
  • Episode

    5-08: Unification, Part II

    Picard and Data assist Spock on Romulus, who is working to reunify the Vulcans and Romulans.
  • Episode

    5-15: Power Play

    Troi, Data, and O’Brien are possessed by alien beings.
  • Episode

    5-19: First Duty

    The investigation into a fatal accident at Starfleet Academy puts Wesley Crusher’s future in jeopardy.
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    5-23: I, Borg

    The Enterprise rescues a Borg drone who's been cutoff from the Collective.
  • Episode

    5-26: Time’s Arrow, Part I

    When Data’s head is discovered with 19th-century relics on Earth, further investigation unveils dangerous aliens in Earth’s distant past.