Bohannon uses his newly appointed position as foreman to leverage his quest while Durant frantically continues his search for Lily and her maps. Meanwhile, Elam...
Reverend Cole's long-lost daughter, Ruth, arrives in town as he and Joseph try to establish peace with the Cheyenne. Cullen and Elam fight out their...
Lily accomplanies Durant to Chicago, where he continues dealings with Senator Crane while she attends to matters relating to the death of her husband. Meanwhile,...
After dealing with the Cheyenne, Bohannon completes an important construction milestone. Mr. Toole rises from the dead to spoil Elam and Eva's future plans. The...
Durant barters for Cullen's life, sparing him execution. Elam investigates a prostitute's murder. Reverend Cole bonds with the Swede after his relationship with Ruth sours...
Cullen and Elam intervene when the McGinnes Brothers face threats after taking credit for avenging the murder of a prostitute. Reverend Cole continues his slide...
When the workers strike, Cullen responds with a request for replacement workers. Eva is torn between Mr. Toole and Elam, while announcing who fathered her...
Needing his expertise while Durant recovers, Lily convinces Cullen to let the Swede provide assistance. Meanwhile, the duo's relationship goes one step further...
While celebrating the completion of the long-awaited bridge, Lily takes precautionary measures against the Durants. Meanwhile, Elam struggles with a difficult decision...
In negotiating for lumber with the Kiowa, Cullen and Elam are forced into a dangerous game of stickball. Durant attempts to sway Louise's opinion of...