Season 3


Original Airdates: 1968-1969

  • Episode

    3-01: Spock’s Brain

    Kirk and McCoy seek out to find Spock’s stolen brain before his body succumbs.
  • Episode

    3-02: The Enterprise Incident

    The Enterprise is intercepted after an apparently fatigued Kirk crosses the Romulan Neutral Zone.
  • Episode

    3-03: The Paradise Syndrome

    When Kirk’s mind is wiped from an alien obelisk, he is taken in by a primitive community who believe he may be a god.
  • Episode

    3-04: And the Children Shall Lead

    The Enterprise rescues a group of children, the only survivors of a Federation outpost, who are being controlled by an alien being.
  • Episode

    3-21: The Cloud Minders

    The Enterprise travels to planet whose affluent lives in a cloud city, isolated from the horrific lifestyle of those below.
  • Episode

    3-22: The Savage Curtain

    Kirk and Spock are forced into combat among some of history's most prominent individuals, including President Lincoln, Surak, and Kahless.
  • Episode

    3-23: All Our Yesterdays

    On the eve of a world's complete destruction, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy become trapped in the planet’s distant past.