• Episode

    2-01: Amok Time

    When Spock exhibits irrational behavior from pon farr, The Enterprise heads to Vulcan for help.
  • Episode

    2-03: The Changeling

    Enterprise beams aboard a sophisticated device that poses a grave threat.
  • Episode

    2-04: Mirror, Mirror

    A transporter accident swaps Kirk, McCoy, Scotty, and Uhura from distinctly opposite parallel universes.
  • Episode

    2-05: The Apple

    In paradise-like surroundings, a landing party encounters a primitive race controlled by Vaal - a machine revered as a God.
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    2-06: The Doomsday Machine

    Dispatched to investigate the destruction of several planets, the Enterprise encounters the badly damaged U.S.S. Constellation.
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    2-16: The Gamesters of Triskelion

    Kirk, Uhura, and Chekhov are abducted and forced into combat games with other captives.
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    2-17: A Piece of the Action

    Enterprise discovers a gangster-run planet similar to 1930s Earth.
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    2-20: Return to Tomorrow

    Several crew members are possessed by advanced non-corporeal beings.
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    2-22: By Any Other Name

    The Enterprise is commandeered by members of the Kelvan empire, seeking to return to the Andromeda galaxy.
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    2-23: The Omega Glory

    The Exeter is found drifting in space, its crew dead from a mysterious disease, except its missing captain.
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    2-24: The Ultimate Computer

    The Enterprise's test of Dr. Daystrom's greatly enhanced computer becomes deadly.
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    2-25: Bread and Circuses

    Upon investigating the disappearance of the S.S. Beagle crew, the Enterprise encounters a modernized Roman-like civilization.
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    2-26: Assignment: Earth

    After traveling back to 1960s Earth, the Enterprise accidentally beams aboard a time-traveling secret agent.