Benjamin Sisko's only child (at series start), Jake goes from a typical happy, go-lucky teenager to an important journalist in the Federation News Service while...
Having graduated second in his class, the smug and arrogant Julian Bashir had his choice of nearly any post in The Federation. Seeking adventure, Bashir...
The Bajoran liaison officer assigned to Deep Space Nine and first officer aboard the station, former resistance leader Kira Nerys struggles between loyalty to her...
As a general for the Klingon Empire, Martok leads the Empire's war efforts amidst tensions between, at first, the Federation and, later, the Dominion...
Knowledgeable and dedicated, Miles O'Brien serves as Chief of Operations aboard Deep Space Nine, where he has also established himself as a family man to...
A constable in the Bajoran militia, the no-nonsense Odo serves as Chief of Security aboard Deep Space Nine. Unsure of his roots, the shapeshifting Odo...
As Quark's brother, Rom helps manage the bar and casino aboard Deep Space Nine. Later, he establishes himself as a maintenance crewmember. He is also...
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine features the most diversified cast of characters of any Trek series. The Starfleet-Bajoran mixed station crew comprises of most of the...
The first season of DS9 contains a patchwork of highly fantastical, almost silly, episodes as the spin-off series struggles to find its identity. “Move Along...
By the second season, Deep Space Nine had successfully developed its own identity. Its underlying plot and characters were well defined as the season concentrated heavily on developing its...
The third season of Deep Space Nine follows a similar tone and storytelling as the second. Opening with The Dominion's bold introduction - carried over from...
The fourth season of Deep Space Nine marks a bold shift in tone and direction, with the arrival of Worf, a stronger emphasis on the Dominion threat, and a vivid...
Slightly weaker than the preceding and succeeding seasons as a whole, Season 5 still delivers quality episodes. While The Dominion weighs heavily on everyone's mind,...
With Deep Space Nine - again operating as Terok Nor - lost to The Dominion-Cardassian alliance, Season Six opens with an audacious, grim story arc spanning six episodes that progresses the...
On-par with the excellence of its predecessor, Season 7 opens with a collapsed wormhole, one of DS9's most beloved characters dead, an escalating war, and Sisko on...
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was the third incarnation in the franchise when it premiered in 1993, running concurrently with The Next Generation until 1994, followed by...
A devoted and loyal servant to The Founders, Weyoun acts as both diplomat and leader for The Dominion, particularly during the war with The Federation...
The ambitious Winn Adami is a Bajoran spiritual leader who will stop at nothing to maintain her influence and authority over her people. Imprisoned for...