The ambitious Winn Adami is a Bajoran spiritual leader who will stop at nothing to maintain her influence and authority over her people. Imprisoned for...
Odo, Kira, and Garak help prepare Damar’s group of rebels, Gowron arrives on DS9, and Dukat and Kai Winn continue to study how to release the Pah-wraiths.
Against the will of the Prophets, Sisko marries Kassidy Yates while Worf and Ezri are held captive on a Breen vessel. Dukat continues using Kai Winn to unleash his sinister plan.
Altered to appear Bajoran, Gul Dukat manipulates Kai Winn into studying how to release the Pah-wraiths, while the new Breen-Dominion alliance takes center-stage.
Vedek Bareil’s life hangs in the balance while an ambitious Kai Winn negotiates a peace treaty with the Cardassians. Meanwhile, Jake and Nog face a culture clash.