20 results found.

  • Character

    Keiko O’Brien

    Wife to Miles O'Brien, Keiko holds several roles throughout the series, including teacher and botanist...
  • Episode

    7-25: What You Leave Behind

    The Dominion War sees a climatic ending while Dukat and Kai Winn release the Pah-wraiths from the fire caves of Bajor.
  • Episode

    5-12: The Begotten

    Odo tries to help a sick infant Changeling without assistance from Dr. Mora, the scientist who studied him. Meanwhile, Kira gives birth to Keiko and Mile’s baby.
  • Episode

    5-05: The Assignment

    Keiko O’Brien becomes possessed by a Pah-wraith.
  • Episode

    5-03: Looking for par’Mach in All the Wrong Places

    Worf reluctantly uses his extensive Klingon knowledge to help Quark seduce Grilka, his ex-wife.
  • Episode

    4-18: Hard Time

    Miles struggles re-adjusting to normal life after having the realistic memories of serving a long, difficult prison sentence transplanted into his mind.
  • Episode

    4-24: Body Parts

    After news of Quark’s imminent death proves false, Quark hires Garak to kill him to honor the completed sale of his body parts.
  • Episode

    4-16: Accession

    A survivor found aboard an ancient Bajoran ship claims to be the true Emissary of the Prophets.
  • Episode

    3-03: House of Quark

    After accidently killing a Klingon warrior, Quark is forced to marry his widowed wife. Meanwhile, Miles tries to cheer up a depressed Keiko.
  • Episode

    3-10: Fascination

    While DS9 hosts the Bajoran Gratitude Festival, the station’s personnel begin exhibiting unusual behavior.
  • Episode

    2-14: Whispers

    When Miles returns from a mission, he senses everyone’s peculiar behavior around him.
  • Episode

    2-25: Tribunal

    Miles face criminal changes in a Cardassian tribunal, where his verdict is pre-determined.
  • Episode

    2-11: Rivals

    Quark fends off competition from a swindler who opens a casino next door.
  • Episode

    2-03: The Siege

    Forced to abandon the station, Sisko and his crew work to stop The Circle.
  • Episode

    2-05: Cardassians

    Controversy ensues when a Cardassian boy who’s guardian is a Bajoran arrives on DS9.
  • Episode

    2-13: Armageddon Game

    Miles and Bashir, believed dead, seek refuge when they are caught in the middle of a war.
  • Episode

    1-19: In the Hands of the Prophets

    A murder plot unfolds when the two leading candidates for Kai arrive on DS9.
  • Episode

    1-15: If Wishes Were Horses

    DS9 is overwhelmed when people’s imaginations become realty.
  • Episode

    6-24: Time’s Orphan

    After Chief O’Brien and Kieko lose their daughter in an obscure accident, she returns as a drastically aged adult woman.
  • Episode

    1-03: A Man Alone

    Odo is accused of murder while the diverse station personnel struggle in their new surroundings.